Lesson 4 about the Metaverse: the current state of NFT’s, potential behind new technological paradigms, the influence of gaming and more

Each week, you’re learning more and more about how YOU can benefit from the metaverse. There’s still more knowledge to gain through this blog.

Lesson 3 about the metaverse: Wallets, marketplaces, big projects, virtual worlds and more

Each week, you’re learning more and more about how YOU can benefit from the metaverse. There’s still more knowledge to gain through this blog.

Lesson 2 about the metaverse: diverse content creation, blockchain, cryptocurrency and more

The metaverse is being taken seriously across the digital world, especially with the diversification of content, introduction of digital currencies and more.

Lesson 1 about the metaverse; the value of NFTs, community impact, utility, and storytelling

The metaverse is a rapidly expanding landscape being taken seriously across the sporting world. Here’s what we can learn to enhance our awareness of it.

Sports industry trends to look out for in 2022- the metaverse

This year has been an unorthodox one across the sports industry. The likes of NFT’s and blockchain have reached new heights, but how much further can they skyrocket?